GF-018 Mastering Conscious Communication...The G-FORCE Model
GF-018 Mastering Conscious Communication...The G-FORCE Model
GF-018 Mastering Conscious Communication...The G-FORCE Model
Clarity in interpersonal communication has been difficult since the beginning of time, yet clarity is essential to cut through the clutter of the modern information age. Join us for this session that sheds light on the information interplay within today’s multimedia and fast-paced world. Step back with us and examine the complexities and variables that so often give rise to dysfunctional communication. Catch a glimpse of your own behavior as sender and receiver—both helpful and unhelpful. This interactive session will highlight common pitfalls, habits, behaviors, and success strategies for effective communication. Choose to dedicate more consciousness to improving your communication skills—a must for anyone in business...and life.